Leadership Development Strategy
for the new normal

Transformational Leadership

Level up your team leadership skills with 7 unique transformational techniques

1. Willing to adapt

Prepare your leaders to adapt to the change so they handle the uncertainty around them

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2. Engage Team

Leaders must develop effective tools to engage and inspire teams during times of uncertainty and change.

3. Resilience & Agility

Build resilience and agility to create an appropriate sense of urgency, pivot, and persevere effectively.

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4. Forward Momentum

Leaders should set a vision and strategy for forwarding momentum in complex, and rapidly changing environments. 

What to learn on how to implement a leadership framework for your organization?

Transformational Service

5. Create a safe environment

A leader's job is to create an environment where people feel a sense of belonging and a safe environment to work.

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6. Proactive and Deep Care

Leaders have to be more thoughtful about their team. This means proactively asking questions like "How are you doing these days?" and actually taking time to listen.

Visible Leadership

Effective safety leadership from all levels of management create a positive safety culture in which the organization can achieve its purpose of delivering safer workplaces and safer operation.

7. Promoting Learning Culture

Leaders are responsible for organizational culture and the true impact of leadership comes when they promote a positive learning culture.

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Transformational Leadership

Master Transformational Leadership skills and leadership techniques with this highly practical advice and training. Practice Leadership Skills for professional development.

Online Course

Do Leaders create safety culture?
Visible Leadership